4-H Enrollment for 4th-12th graders is OPEN! Enroll online at https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in, cost is $25 per youth, $10 per adult. 3rd graders must wait until September 1st to enroll.
For Club Meeting Information:
2024-2025 Club Meeting Handout
2024-2025 Freestone County 4-H Meeting Calendar
- Archery
- Freestone County 4-H Fall Photography Contest
- 3 Age Divisions (Junior 3rd-5th, Intermediate 6th-8th, Senior 9th-12th)
- Prizes awarded for top 3 in each division & category
- Categories:
- Animals
- Nature
- People
- Details/Macro
- Elements of Design
- Motion/Action
- Entries Accepted Online November 1-30th
- Guidelines & How to Enter: 2024 Fall Photography Contest
- Junior Division (3rd-5th grade) entry form: https://forms.gle/4XuPYaJ6RB34XByC9
- Intermediate Division (6th-8th grade) entry form: https://forms.gle/2517iJeq3xudefix5
- Senior Division (9th-12th grade) entry form: https://forms.gle/DhMrXnNzmuxJuvGR6
- Freestone County 4-H Entomology Collection Contest
- Entomology Contest Freeco 4-H
- All_species list
- Entries due by December 2nd.
How do I know what’s going on?
- Follow us on Facebook, Freestone County 4-H
- Join us on Remind, text @freestonec to the number 81010
- Check out the website: freestone.agrilife.org and click on the 4-H tab or livestock project tab
I am new to 4-H what do I do?
Visit a 4-H club! Pick a club that works for your schedule and go to a meeting. You will see firsthand what happens at the club meetings, get to meet the volunteers, and see the youth involved. You can ask questions at the club meeting and even get enrolled! If you would rather ask the Extension Agent (Erin Davis) questions give us a call 903-389-3436.
If you don’t fill out a paper form and pay by check for your enrollment at the club meeting you can enroll online: 4honline.com
What happens at club meetings?
There are officers of the club (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer etc) that will be at the front of the room running the meeting. They will call the meeting to order, go over the minutes from the last meeting, treasurers report, announcements (dates and deadlines for things coming up), there will be an educational presentation, recreation (game or activity) and even sometimes snacks!
Make sure you sign in at every club meeting, so the club managers can keep track of how many meetings you’ve attended. (You must attend 4 club meetings to show at Freestone County Fair). Parents please sign in as well.
Club meetings will last 30-45 minutes. It is recommended that parents attend the meetings as well so you can hear the announcements and know what is going on.
I’m interested in a project but need help getting started
Look at the Explore guides and information and the Texas 4-H Website (https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/), if there is a project leader listed reach out to them to find out more. If you have additional questions reach out to Erin Davis, County Extension Agent 903-389-3436 and she can answer your questions and get you started!
When is the Freestone County Fair?
Freestone County Fair is always the week prior to the 3rd Saturday in June. The sale takes place on the third Saturday, so the shows will take place Tuesday-Friday.
More information about the fair can be found at:https://www.fcfar.org/
Erin will present information about county fair livestock projects (heifers, sheep, goats, swine, rabbits, poultry) at the January club meetings. But keep in mind County Fair steers are validated the first Saturday in December. If you need help finding a livestock project Erin can help just let her know.
Projects Offered:
Consumer Education
Dog Care & Training
Fashion & Interior Design
Food & Nutrition
Health & Personal Safety
Junior Master Gardener
Livestock Judging
Meat Science
Natural Resources
Outdoor Education & Living Skills
Public Speaking
Range Science
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Small & Companion Animals
Soil and Crop Science
Theater & Performance Arts
Veterinary Science
Wildlife & Fisheries
Workforce Preparation & Careers
Youth Entrepreneurship
Livestock Project areas:
- Dairy Cattle
- Beef Cattle
- Sheep
- Goats
- Swine
- Rabbits
- Broilers
- Horse
Most common project areas will have information presented at club meetings and there will be livestock project clinics.
Specific project information can be found at: https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/
Projects with additional meetings/practices outside of club meetings
- Livestock Judging-join the Remind class if interested text @79472f to 81010
- Livestock Quiz Bowl-join the Remind class if interested text @37ec7a to 81010
Contest Opportunities
Information on contests will be posted here: https://agrilife.org/d84h/events-and-activities/
- Variety of Fishing opportunities for both teams and individuals
- Shotgun shoots (contact the Shotgun coach for info)
- Archery shoots (contact the Archery coach for info)
- Food Challenge/Food Show
- Dairy Judging
- Horse Judging
- Photography
- Fashion Show, Fashion Storyboard, Duds to Dazzle
- Consumer Decision Making
- Livestock Judging
- Meat Judging
- Soil Judging
- Leaders 4 Life Skillathon
- Education Presentations
- Public Speaking
- Share the Fun
- Horse, FCH and Livestock Quiz Bowls
- District & State Horse Show
- Some contests are also offered at Major Shows (Fort Worth, San Antonio, San Angelo, Houston, Austin) pay attention to Major show information when posted.